Since you are here, my guess is that you care about the future of our environment and climate. And maybe you are questioning the every-day practices of spraying harmfulย weed killers and spreading petroleum-based fertilizers right where your dog runs and your kids or grandkids play.ย
Or you may be wondering what you can do to help with the massive collapse of chickadee, native bees, and monarchs populations.ย
Or you may be worrying about the amount of chemicals on the food you are eating today...and what connection that has to the skyrocketing number of cancer diagnoses in our region.
I encourage you to become a member of Minnesota Gardening. As a member of Minnesota Gardening, I teach you how to feed pollinators, eliminate chemicals, save water, and store carbon right at your home with straightforward simple monthly actions PLUS an amazing community of like-minded Midwesterners fighting for the same goals.ย
When you join, by this time next year we will have made your home landscape safer for your pets, kids, and neighbors while saving thousands of songbirds and pollinators, reducing your water use by 85%, and eliminating chemicals.
I will guide you through every step of the process so you can save the world, save money, and save weekends worth of time by thinking a little differently and not doing things the way we've always done them.
Choose Minnesota Gardening below to learn more.
My name is Brad Tabke. I live in Shakopee, Minnesota and am your guide into this new, wonderful world of environmentally-responsible landscape and lawn care.
I have a horticulture and landscape design degree from Iowa State University and for most of the last 20 years have used that in the commercial landscape maintenance arena. I became extremely concerned about the amount of water and pesticides being used in traditional landscape maintenance and the irreparable harm that landscape maintenance was doing to our local ecosystems. I started on a journey inspired by Doug Tallamy, Rick Darke, and many others working toward safer, more responsible landscape practices that protect songbirds and pollinators, use less water, and eliminates chemicals.